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Roles of Designers and Design Thinking in Corporations

Posted on: 8 mar 2015

"The Value Equation In University Settings" #ActivateDesign

 Main Role of Design and Design Thinking in University Settings: 

  • Detection, understanding and creation of value for students and the university--> Society 
  • Define a proposal of shared value from both perspectives (students and university --> Society)
  • Design the strategy to make it happen
  • Conversation starter (intentional whisperer): Spread insights and solutions


Millennials overwhelmingly believe (75 percent) businesses are focused on their own agendas rather than helping to improve society.

2015: It is an urgency for Higher Education organizations to focus on understanding and acting on the intersection of value for students and Education, INTERSECTION OF SHARED VALUE: Universities need to provide now to students and societies, what they both will need in the future. For the shake of all.

UNIVERSITIES & MARKETS (this could be an interesting conversation)

"The purpose of the University is to develop people, not markets".

Let's stay focused on what it is important: What is a "Market", anyway?. I'll refresh it for you.

"A market is a group of buyers (people) and sellers (people), where buyers (people) determine the demand and sellers (people) determine the supply, together with the means whereby they exchange their goods or services is called the market (people)".

People, people, people….Always people first.

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