Does Design Thinking have a philosophical dimension?
A page from a Song Dynasty (960-1279) printed book of the I Ching |
"It is suggested that an Intuition is not a matching of information in memory with that in a focal situation, but a correlation of relevant procedural information to partially formulated intentions regarding the focal situation".
Intuition, Imagination and Insight in Design Thinking by Charles Burnette
Las year I wrote a blogpost about the epiphany I had reflecting on "Overcoming Modernity: Synchronicity and Image-Thinking" by Yuasa Yauso.
Random Wisdom found
I enjoy the Yijing since I discovered it 30 years ago.
The I Ching (Chinese: 易経; pinyin: Yìjīng), also known as the Classic of Changes or Book of Changes in English, is an ancient divination text and the oldest of the Chinese classics. It consists of the Zhou yi, an oracle used in the Zhou dynasty using a set of symbols called hexagrams, and the Ten Wings, influential preclassical commentaries that attribute to the hexagrams the ability to symbolize changes in the universe over time.
Yijing also shows the beginnings of ideographs, "the thought of chinese philosophy is not merely one of intellectual cognition. Always accompanying it are will and emotions that the image necessary arouses. Thought does not merely remain as thought, but is the action of a total personality that accompanies will, emotions, and desires". Yauso on Yijing and Visual Thinking
A couple of weeks ago I read the I Ching hexagram 01: “乾” “Force”
I Ching hexagram 01: “乾” “Force” |
And the judgement that comes with this hexagram, could relate to Design Thinking as a process and as a mindset.
"According to the original meaning, the attributes [sublimity, potentiality of success, power to further, perseverance] are paired. […] everything depends upon his seeking his happiness and that of others in one way only, that is, by perseverance in what is right. […] "
"The Creative works sublime success, furthering through perseverance".
"The Creative works sublime success, furthering through perseverance".
"The beginning of all things lies still in the beyond in the form of ideas that have yet to become real".