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A Visualization of My Writing Process

Posted on: 11 ago 2013

Sooner or later, everything comes together. 

I haven't written a blog post since July 12th: Last 3 weeks I have disconnected completely from my personal threat of thinking: Let's call it a "refresh-and-reframe-me" period.
Now that I'm back to my beloved routine, I feel a little overwhelmed: I have plenty of ideas that I want to write about, but I like them all! Which idea I choose? So what I do is a kind of image-thinking that I call "be inspired by the eyes": Instead of "thinking", what I do is "imaging" by recalling recent images that have made a great impact in me: I know that this process will point me to the idea I'm going to start writing about...and then I have another idea... 

What if I shared with you how I design-think-write through images?

This is a visualization of my Inspiration: This is an example of how I apply DESIGN THINKING AS DECONSTRUCTIVE THINKING PROCESS to my blog post writing, and how I relate images to my thoughts:

Image nº1 {  Andrew Wyeth The Helga Pictures}

My primary inspiration: This book made a great impact in me for many reasons, but I don't know how to connected it to any of the ideas I have in mind...yet. 

--> Design Thinking Attitude: Patient. Confidence based in gut instinct. I know I'll find the connection. Persevere.
Next step to follow the threat: A question Can I relate this image to an emotion I have felt recently?

The Helga Pictures are a series of more than 240 paintings and drawings of German model Helga Testorf created by Andrew Wyeth (1917–2009) between 1971 and 1985. Testorf was a neighbor of Wyeth's in Chadds FordPennsylvania, and over the course of fifteen years posed in secret, for Wyeth indoors and out of doors, nude and clothed, in attitudes that reminded writers of figures painted by Botticelli and Édouard Manet

Image nº2 {  A photo of me in the train, looking through the window }

Following the thread:  The picture was taken while I was concentrated observing. It's a kind of meditation to me. A moment of quiet stillness. Need these moments in my every day life. Inspired by the eyes. I remember myself thinking for a moment in Andrew Wyeth and his fifteen years of secretive painting of Helga...It fascinated the story and loved his quiet art... and then I remember Wyeth words about loneliness (had to googled for the quote):
"Then I remember that I prefer winter and fall, when you feel the bone structure in the landscape — the loneliness of it — the dead feeling of winter. Something waits beneath it; the whole story doesn’t show.“I think anything like that — which is contemplative, silent, shows a person alone — people always feel is sad. 
Is it because we’ve lost the art of being alone?”

--> Design Thinking Attitude: Concentration, observation, empathy, connecting dots...and more patience.

Next step to follow the threat: I can feel I am very close to elaborate an idea that I'm going to I leave it there and think of something else. 
I check my network.

Image nº3 {  @MarkBradford retweet  }

My network as inspiration and co-creation:  I have an AHA moment when I read this tweet and follow the thread

{ Everything I had in mind comes to me like this }:

{ ...And I know that I want to write about the importance of creating moments of solitude and stillness to connect the my next post.} Instead, 

I'm going to dedicate this post to this unusual, bizarre, beautiful and inspiring video titled "Le Pigeon" — a pigeon-centered design by   

--> Design Thinking Attitude: Solitude and stillness are essential to any Design Thinking processes and so is flexibility.

[ Please watch this! ]

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