Experience is essential in the practice of Design Thinking and today, experts are design professionals who have practice DT systematically, because it is a KSF (Knowledge and Skills Framework) in their professions.
Design Thinking is not a practice learned in a manual nor a textbook: It needs to be internalized through practice. Seriously: does anyone really believe that Design Thinking can be applied with a manual in hand? or maybe with a few questions predefined in a form or reading a power point presentation? Experience is essential: a few encapsulated methods are not equivalent to the insights gained and internalized from the experience and analysis of years. Nor is empathy applied to a particular purpose and neither is integrate intuition in rational processes ... for example.
Most of the information about DT is about WHAT but none about the HOW: What is the KSF of Design Thinker, which are the skills needed to become a DT practitioner? By the way, this is a lifelong learning.
- Cultivate, care for and feed your personal MATRIX (set of life experiences, experiential analysis, conclusions, visions, revelations, ideas and images).
- Analyze what you do and draw objective and personal conclusions to each case or experience.
- Defend your certainties and learn to convince with arguments.
- The more connections you find to previous experiences related to a new analysis of a situation, the more security you'll have in your intuitive decisions.
- Feed your own theories. Create personal systems of knowledge.
- Do not forget your values at home.
- Listen, observe, learn.
- Share knowledge with anyone who wants to listen.
- Practice empathy. Need to care for people.
- Learn the rules and play by them
- Project the future in order to be sustainable: you as an individual and everything else
Passion and positive ambition is requiered